LOTS of new sponsors and LOTS of goodies for you to check out on this beautiful Friday! FRIDAY. (Friday.) Even some freebies. Yep. Freebies are happening. WOOT. Check it.
One Kings Lane

One Kings Lane always, ALWAYS has the best furniture and decor! But don’t take my word for it, go take a look at One Kings Lane yourself! If you’re new to One Kings Lane, sign up today and get a $15 credit for purchases of $30 or more.

Craftsy is an amazing resource for online classes to teach you all kinds of useful skills. There are FREE classes, like Sewing Machine 911:

…And creative, inspired classes like Online Fabric Patterning with Wax Resist.

Or, sign up for their Daily Crafting Deals email!

Tiny Prints
Celebrate the holidays with customized Christmas cards from Tiny Prints!
Wall Quotes
Belvedere Designs at Wallquotes.com offers the most beautiful vinyl wall quotes! They’re about adding that little touch of personality to help make your house a home, a haven in a busy world and unique from every other. Come see their beautiful selection. Which would you choose?
If you’re looking for something fun and unique, check out Wallquotes.com! They have the MOST beautiful designs at great prices, and if you don’t see what you’re looking for, they’ll design it for ya!
I may or may not spend entirely too much time browsing and drooling over the selection at Warehouse Fabrics Inc. I’m pretty sure I’d have way too much fun creating a whole room out of some of their newest arrivals, like these:
Beautiful, right? I’m so excited to share this awesome source for AFFORDABLE, beautiful fabrics with you. Check out their selection here, and stop by their blog for their monthly $50 giveaway!
Compassion International
Compassion International is an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults.
Confession time. I got sappy and swept up in the notion that my kids will only be tiny for so long – and therefore only in tiny halloween costumes for so long – that I accidentally got them each multiple costumes. And Weston MAY already have broken in his Buzz Lightyear.
Mila will be a tiny lamb, and a flower. Good thing we’ll be attending multiple fall festivals this weekend! I may not survive the impending cuteness overload.
Do you have plans this weekend? Are your kids still small enough to let you choose their costumes?
A tiny lamb? How cute will she be?! Since Kevin is too tiny to choose his costume he will be a peapod, lol. Who doesn’t love a baby dressed as a vegetable?
Thanks so much for the fabric source! I need some new fabric for the library! Hope you aren’t getting too wet in Georgia!
Have a great day rock star!
A tiny lamb?! I just passed out.
My feller is going to be a lion. He says “rawrrrrrr”
You have the most fabulous of sponsors! And two costumes each — you had better post lots of pics! I dressed my daughter as a flower in a flower pot when she was a baby … too cute. I’m gonna have to dig out that picture!
And this year is the first year my son is not dressing up … and that my daughter put together her own costume. No Costume Express catalogs were consulted.
Boo hoo.
you have a very good blog. yo no hablo muco ingles. solo quiero expresarte que tu trabajo es fuente de mi inspiración
Soo cute! I have an angry bird, a nerd, a kitty, and a Fred Flinstone. I only chose one of them!
Mine don’t let me chose anymore, and the baby gets her chosen by the big ones, sigh… At least we had a few years of matching family costumes, my favorite was when we had a ladybug and a bee, and we were the beekeepers:)