This is a fact: there is something magical about craft stores. Like, fairy dust magical.
I know this because the minute I step inside one, suddenly I believe I’m capable of completing all kinds of art projects I have no business touching, and suddenly I’m buying the necessary supplies to knit a designer dress (yes, out of yarn) or bake a cake shaped like a rocketship or something. It’s like I’m invincible, craft-wise.
Welp, they got me again.
I saw this art on Pinterest:
It’s a pricey little piece you can pick up here for £195. (According to my currency conversions, in American dollars, that works out to approximately: much more than I want to spend.)
I knew I could recreate the look with a few chipboard letters on a solid-painted canvas – and a few other bloggers have done just that. The plan was to keep it solid and simple — but once I saw that aisle of acrylic paints at Michaels?
Suddenly I was PICASSO!
Just hand me a brush, y’all! I’m about to create a masterpiece!
Just hand me a brush, y’all! I’m about to create a masterpiece!
I picked up some paints, a pack of chipboard letters and a canvas and headed home, all inspired and high off their secret craft-store air. (I didn’t even realized that I’d bought a twin-pack of canvases, not just one, so there are more art projects in my near future.)
I decided to use words from this Bible verse: “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” -Psalm 46:10. I wanted to keep it simple and short, so I went with “Be Still and Know.” I like that part of the verse, because it’s like: “Hey, chill the crap out and relax already. Just be still and be quiet and let God do his thang.” (That’s my translation.)
I laid out my chipboard letters on the canvas and stuck ’em on using their adhesive backs. My initial plan was to stick them on, paint over them, then remove them, so they served as a stencil and revealed white letters beneath them.
Then I went outside and spray painted the whole thing white. You don’t need a photo of that, right? Cuz I don’t have one. Took it back inside after an agonizingly long five seconds of letting it dry – I had to knock this out during nap time! Time was of the essence! – and started playing with PAINTS!
Pretend like there are no toys or stray vacuums in that photo. And that I have my canvas properly set on an easel next to a window overlooking the french riveria. And that I’m wearing a beret or something very painterly.
I just kept throwing paint on the canvas and squinting at it a lot, and also holding my thumb up to it like real painters do, although I don’t understand the purpose of that, until it looked like this:

And then I realized that I kind of like the raised letters and didn’t want to take them off after all. You can’t really see them too clearly, but they’re there, just telling you to chill out and let God be exalted, you know?

And that’s my little pinterest-inspired art project. Now I have to decide what to do with that other canvas… and also where to hang this one…
So, am I the only one who gets hypnotized by Michaels and Joann into thinking that I can do ANYTHING? Tell me that’s happened to you. Or maybe you just CAN do anything?

P.S.: If you like this post, you might like my canvas letter art.
Or, I recreated a different chipboard letter art piece like this which you can check it out here, or click here to see some other easy DIY art I made!
Michaels… JoAnn… Hobby Lobby… I’m so glad I don’t live closer to them. 😉 P.S. I love your “translation” of that verse!
Totally in LOVE! I have been wanting to do that too! 🙂
You have to come enter this in The Great Pinterest Challenge we are having!!
Its really beautiful – also reminds me of Jesus walking on water, faith, etc – its perfect.
Ah I’m not really sure if craft stores have that effect on me… but I do get hypnotized walking slowly up aisles thinking about all the projects that I could do… and walk out with only what I planned to buy. I guess I’m too stingy to fall for their charms? 😉 And obvs you CAN do anything!
Love the quote you chose! And I am so looking forward to this yarn dress. (Did you get the kind with the pom-poms on it?) 🙂
What a brilliant idea! Turned out great too! I love diy art!!
It is beautiful and I love your translation 🙂
Craft stores, unfortunately, have the opposite affect on me. As soon as I walk inside, I get all overwhelmed and start to sweat. Half the time I walk out forgetting what I went there for in the first place!
That turned out so well! I love the verse you chose, too … so calming!
Oh, I hear you. I am like crafty super woman when I walk in. And then I get home and start crying. I am still trying to get past the fact that you are allowed to paint in normal clothing….on your rug. YOU are superwoman.
I love your project. I have this pinned as well. Glad to see it turned out well!!
I love this! Your “translation” made me laugh out loud…I love it. Great project!! 🙂
**visiting from Tutorials and Tips Tuesday!**
That is lovely! I like your version even better. 🙂
You’re cracking me up! Your translation of that passage is perfect: CHILL, y’all! I just got bitten by the art bug, too, except I thought I was Botticelli… :-/ Funny how Michael’s can do that to you.
<3 Jen @ stuffjendid
I saw this post earlier and laughed because I did something similar two weekends ago when my mom was here =) Except I used a wood plaque from Michaels. I spray painted the fancy cut edge with silver paint to match the other frames in my dining room. Then I used my mom’s acrylics to paint a blue background with the words “Live your life on purpose” and flowers above it. Inspired by someone else’s post. I’ll have to post about it soon so you can see =)
I love this! It looks so peaceful, the words and paint job compliment each other perfectly. I so love having scriptures around the house, I’ve been thinking lately that I don’t want people to even have to question my beliefs. So I’ve been making a lot of life changes to make sure of it.
I will also sheepishly raise my hand to being deceived by craft stores, heck even wal-mart’s craft aisle. I walked in for caulk, and ONLY caulk and walked out with a giant package of new paintbrushes and a full set of watercolors. It’s like someone FORCED me to buy those things and I had absolutely no free will.
This is fantastic!!! Great quote as well. Maybe this will be my next pinterest challenge.
Thank you for the inspiration! I loved what you did and tried my own version with my daughters and it was a great success, especially if you define success as a fun time had by all (and I do!).
You can see what we created on
Oops… Here’s the direct link to our “masterpiece”
i love it it turned out really well if not better than your inspiration xxx
I so LOVE the “Be still and Know” pic. The ombre blues look great too. I need to tattoo this verse to arm so I remember it…or maybe just make a pic for myself.
Well done!! I’ve amde something similar without painting the letters. I like the gradient of the blue.
I’m jealous of your painting skills. I’ve wanted to do gradient, but it terrifies the pants right off me! Oh, and yes….Joann makes me feel invincible in just about the worst way ever. 😉
I like this so much! The colors are lovely and that is a great reminder. Thank you for sharing it.
Really well done. I would’ve never expected the results to turn out so beautiful. Brava!!
Here from YHL – love your translation and the colors are beautiful. I will definitely have to give this a try!
This is beautiful. I really love that you left the raised letters on, it’s perfect!! Your definitely more of an artist than you give yourself credit for.
I swear it’s totally the air in those stores! I do the same thing. Absolutely. 🙂
I love your project…the colors are wonderful. (and now it’s pinned on my “Inspiration” Pinterest board)
Love this! It turned out so well! And I definitely go into craft/art stores with one thing in mind and leave with things for about 10 other unplanned projects!
I totally love this. I’m definately going to do this for my sister’s christmases. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. How many shades of blue did you buy?
Thank you. You can definitely do it! I think I had about 4 or 5 shades of blue and green, but you can definitely make it work with more or less. If you take a pic, I’d love to see it! Good luck!
Hmmmmmm… yes I do know that feeling of being able to do anything once I walk into any craft store.. And I have spent the money to prove it, and can just about open my own craft store with all the supplies I now own — projects I am going to get to.. LOL… I love what you did with this idea.. And the quote you chose is perfect for me right now, so I am going to copy your idea.. I hope you don’t mind too much.. Thank you for the inspiration!! So glad to know I am not the only one that does the “inspired buying”!!
First of all, great job! It turned out so good.
Secondly, thank you for NAILING the craft store phenomenon so hilariously… I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets crazy delusions of artistic grandeur!!
I just came home from Michael’s. They know me there. I go to be inspired. Pininterest is also inspiring. I love your project. Thanks for sharing.
Hey, I just thought I’d throw out there that the reason painters hold their hands/fingers up and then squint is because they’re blocking out part of their visual field so that they can examine a particular area alone without the eye taking in everything around it and influencing their impression of the area in question. My parents are both full-time artists, so I learned this while growing up 🙂
I never would’ve guessed that! Thanks for the insight from the daughter of artists. Very cool. 🙂
The point of using your thumb is to make sure your proportions are correct 😉 I prefer to use a knitting needle!
Very lovely. I’m going to have to try this one ^_^
I LOVE this!!! I also love the rug in your living room. 🙂
I LOOOOOVE it! How cool to incorporate the words into the art. And too funny that you accomplished it during nap time! 🙂
Awesome post! Ironic to read it tonight, as today i went to AC Moore and, in a moment of art weakness, bought three canvases and a gazillion paints. Gonna fancy myself an artist tomorrow! LOL THanks for sharing. Love the blog!
I love this post! When I started reading it I thought, “this girl sounds just like me.” I kept reading and realized were exactly alike! Thanks for giving me a laugh, and a new craft to take on!
“Be Still and Know”…part of a verse from one of my favorite songs of all time. Word of God Speak by Mercy Me. I love your artwork here. Great job!
OMG I LOVED READING THIS. You are a funny funny writer. I’ll have to read more. (visitor from pinterest)
Absolutely wonderful! One of my favorite scriptures also. I too love your translation!
Thanks for linking to me on this, lovely! I was looking at traffic sources and this was super high. You’re too kind. 🙂 Thank ya!
this is really beautiful…and yeah, I can go a little crazy in those stores!
My sister and I can be in those stores for hours. I got her into crafting and now we are both addicted. I love the verse you picked. I want to do this also. Thanks for the tutorial!
Yep, I’m right there with you sister… By the way, your painting turned out wonderful!
I just ventured into a Hobby Lobby for the first time today….and bought a bunch of stuff to do things I have never done before….so yeah, I get that feeling when I go in a craft store too!
I just Googled “lettering on canvas” and your site came up second (nice job!) I love your craft project here AND esp. love your writing style. Awesome verse translation, too 🙂
This is such a cute idea I love it. The colour, the humour in your description, the scripture. Good Job!!
i have never been into blogs or bloggers but this was an awesome project with a super cute narrative. good job!!
-random sincere stranger
I think you can do just about anything…
I am so impressed and inspired! I have a whole bunch of projects similar to this but couldn’t figure out how to do the lettering!
what size canvas did you use? I’m trying to figure out a good size to use. by the way, I dont know how much craft stores charge for canvases but I figured I’d share a website i found where canvases are 55% off! 🙂
love it and love your humor… enjoyed reading your tutorial…
You are a great writer, this post made me laugh. I know exactly what secret air you speak of at Michaels. I get high on it too! Great post and of course, I now feel inspired to create create create! xx Melissa
Kelly, this is beautiful! I absolutely go to this verse when I am stressed. Great job.
I think you can do anything…
and I can do all things… through Christ who strengthens me.
And baby, I definitely need some strength of the Jesus kind.
I googled it and here is what I’ve found:
Rates: 1 British Pound Sterling = 1.51941 United States Dollar. GBP; USD………, I googled
195 British Pound Sterling equals 297.75 US Dollar…………wow!
You have done a fabulous job. It is beautiful ; it reminds me of the way I feel sometimes; like I am on the waves of the ocean and the water is very deep in places, but, very shallow on the 1st & 2nd sandbars, where I can stand and catch my breath and “prepare” for the journey back to safety, back to the shore. My teenage daughter & I actually swam out past the 1st sandbar and got so exhausted ; we never knew we swam over it, almost to the 2nd one. I made her leave me and swim back to save herself; the coast guard came and saved me. My Sister & Nieces were panicked realizing how far we swam. I prayed the whole time , once we realized we had missed the sand bar. God is good; All The Time. <3
I love it! And your candidness and sense of humor!
I have to say that this art project actually made me cry– I love not only Psalms 46:10, but also the song “Be Still”, by “The Fray”, so needless to say, I’ll be copying your idea (as best as I can, anyway) 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration, and for touching my heart! 🙂
I love your idea, and I wanted to do something similar with a bible verse and song lyrics for my twins nursery. I was going to spend an arm and a leg on a cricut machine just to get the letters, but I love what you did with the chipboard letters! Thanks for your post!
As with so many of the individuals before me – I have exactly the same reaction upon entering Michaels. I go in for one small item and walk out having spent a fortune on some fabulous project I have been inspired to make! Craft stores are dangerous places for me because I do think I can make it all – I think you are right, it’s the air!
I love this idea, but I particularly love what you said about the fairy dust & craft store air at Michael’s! I totally agree! 🙂
Kelly – I was wondering if you could tell me where you purchased the chipboard letters w/adhesive backs. I’ve certainly found the chipboard letters, but not with the sticky backs. I’m madly in love with your “Be Still and Know” art and am wanting to recreate that. Thanks very much!
I got mine from Michaels. 🙂
Loooooove it! I am on my way to Michaels
This is beautiful! And very serene. I would love to try my hand and something like this for gift giving. Thanks for sharing!!
Great canvass. Really like the mixed media
I loved this. I know I’m a little late to the party but you inspired me to create my own. I gave it to my dad for father’s day with part of his favorite scripture, The Lord is my shepherd. Thanks again for the inspiration.
Yeah. I could hang out in those stores and be bedazzled, and confused all at once, for an entire WEEK! You go there, and then suddenly you have to go to three other stores for other supplies!! LOL!
Love your sense of humor! It’s so clearly demonstrated in your writing! And totally love the wall of It is well with my soul, one of my favorite songs!!
It was a good creation in a fabulous story behind how it was created.
It is very inspirational especially to those people who love’s the art like me. You brought a great idea that really helps to enhance each of everyone’s talent. I am admiring you in believing in God’s word.Also at the moment of your journey you did not stop instead you shared and continue those good deedsand make people inspire. Please do continue posting this kind of article.
Lmbo! I usually just look at the pictures (& have never commented) but this was such a great read! It had me rolling and even sharing with my husband, he’s more of a Picasso than I am. We’ll definitely be back, can’t wait to view more of your projects!
Hi, thanks for sharing this! This is awesome, and that caught my attention initially was the scripture quote…and then I was…how did she do those letters??? I had done a Melted Crayon art project just before Christmas to give as a birthday gift to a friends daughter and I really enjoyed doing it, and I painted her name on it with the definition of her name underneath. She really liked it..and it gave me an idea to do something else with the crayon art, but would have been incredibly time consuming…but using those chipboard letters would make it faster easier and more awesome! Lol…I am definitely going to have to try this as well…you have inspired me…thank you!
I absolutely love this! I am totally awful at DIY stuff, but this looks incredibly simple! Thank you so much for sharing! Do you remember what size your chipboard letters were??
Hi! Love your art & ideals!! I have a question please….. I want to stencil my wall with a prayer that’s about 5 lines long. If I piece my stencils together, letter by letter, it will take me forever! And if I make my own I’ll have to cut them out and I don’t think I’ll get them cut out nice enough! With all that said, is there an easier way to make my verses without this process I’m just not thinking of? Clear as mud? LOL TY for any help you can give!
Just be still and be quiet and let God do his thang.” (That’s my translation.) I Love your translation; too cute : ) ~Elizabeth
Hi Kelly I just came across your raised letters on canvas and loved it. This has been a craft I’ve wanted to try for a while, but am unable to find the letters. I am living in Ireland and tried the craft shops, with no luck. Would you be able to recommend any web-sites as I’m desperate to give it a go
Many thanks Jules, Co.Cork Ireland
I was sitting here reading your pin at 1:00 am and laughing so loud I woke my husband up. You hit the nail on the head about going into these stores and feeling you (and me) can make anything ….just wanted you to know I will be following you again Thank You
Love this piece. And Michaels, Joann’ s and Hobby Lobby. I am preparing to do this project for a friend who has cancer. The quote will be “cancer sucks”‘ hope it turns out as pretty as yours.