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{February Sponsors} + A little announcement + funny story

So you know how I’m always joking that Andy fixes everything around here and I’m mostly useless, except when it comes to the quick and thorough consumption of any desserts?

…and how that’s not really a joke, but mostly just truth? Listen to this.

Weston has and loves several of the Fisher Price little people action figures that look like this.
His are mostly construction workers and pilots, because we like to give our children gender-stereotypical toys to brainwash them into thinking their ultimate choice of profession must fit within certain societal guidelines regardless of where their actual interests or talents lie. (Quick cut to that scene in Zoolander: “I just thank the lord your mom didn’t live to see her son as a mermaid.” “Mer-MAN, dad. MER-MAN!“)

For Christmas, Mila’s grandparents got her a little princess castle that looks like this and came with the Little People version of Cinderella and Snow White.
Naturally, Weston recruited Cinderella and Snow White to play with his other Little People toys, and the whole crew ended up hanging out at the castle together on the regular. One day I overheard Weston playing with the toys, and I realized he was playing this scene:

Cinderella enters the living area.
Cinderella: Oh no! I broke the light! Somebody better help me fix it!
Construction worker toy enters stage left
Male Toy: It’s okay, I can fix it for you.
Snow White: This needs new batteries!
Other Male Toy: I’ll find some! I can make it work for you.
Both Princesses: Okay. Thank you daddies!
All characters retreat to their spaces. Females continue breaking things.

At first I was appalled that the girl characters contributed nothing to the world, and the male characters existed to fix things. I had been a little hesitant to allow Mila to have any princess toys, because I want her to think for herself and not wait around for someone to save her. But then I realized that this was a pretty realistic, though tragic, commentary on what happens in Weston’s world.

I’m just warning you. Don’t leave the chocolate cake anywhere NEAR Snow White. She has no willpower and it goes straight to her hips.

Change of Art

NEW sponsor today! I canNOT wait to tell you more about Change of Art next week. THIS is the way all frames should be made. Watch the first five seconds of this video and just try to tell me this is not brilliant.

Best invention ever! Check out Change of Art and order your own gallery frames right here.

Belvedere Designs/WallQuotes

We all know Belvedere Designs just KILLS it with the amazing vinyl wall quotes, but did you know you can use their vinyl designs in other ways too? Like as an amazing, budget- and renter-friendly headboard? So creative!
389371_10150740284038039_1770189120_n…or as a decorative flourish anywhere you want an extra lil somethin-somethin?
196208_10150740290143039_438258638_nThey even do custom designs! Hop on over to and browse the beautiful quotes and designs!


Craftsy always has some cool free classes going on, like this quick & easy bags class, which is free and available any time.

Online Sewing Class

Make sure you sign up for their Daily Crafting Deals email!

Warehouse Fabrics

Warehouse Fabrics just will NOT quit with the amazing new fabrics always rolling in! These are brand new, available at Warehouse Fabrics’ typical great prices, and undeniably beautiful.
pretty home decor fabrics

Winona Grey | Candice Lime | 90″ Houndstooth sheeting

That Winona Grey on the left would add the most amazing texture in a neutral room. It would bring the interest and beauty, but still be so calm. LOVE. Check out their full selection here, and stop by their blog for their monthly $50 giveaway!

Compassion Int’l

Compassion International is an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty.

Andy and I have been sponsoring and exchanging notes and gifts with our Compassion kids for *years.* It’s a top-notch organization that does amazing work! (In fact, my “sponsorship” with Compassion always has been – and always will be – unpaid, as a way to support the organization.) Come look into the faces of these kids who need to be sponsored.

* * *

Little announcement!

Tomorrow at 7 p.m., I’ll be cohosting the first of six weeks’ worth of Monday Funday link parties. Monday Funday is a party hosted by five amazing bloggers, and they’ll be bringing me in as a temporary cohost. Come back here and link up your best DIY projects, recipes, etc, and they’ll be linked up to a total of SIX blogs. It’s pretty epic exposure for all your best projects. See you then!

Let's connect


  1. That was a funny fairytale 🙂
    Not how it is in my house. I wish my husband would fix things for me. I have to do it myself or it doesn’t get done 🙁

  2. This is way to amazingly hilarious! 🙂

  3. Love that story! And am seriously digging those Change of Art frames — and the whole template to hang them on the wall? Love!!!!

    I’m off to peruse Warehouse Fabrics now. Need to make me some pillows for the new living room design …

    Have a fabulous weekend, my friend!

    🙂 Linda

  4. When my then 3 yr old son was watching the drag races, he observed what a tight fit those drivers had when they climbed into their tiny little driving spot. My son announced, “mom can never drive one of those, she won’t fit”. So I guess he already knew about the Snow White and chocolate cake thing.


  5. Kelly, I just want to thank you for brightening many of my days with your blog posts! You have a great, honest, down-to-earth style of writing that blesses me and I just wanted to let you know! God’s blessings to you today!


  6. Omg, I just totally laughed OUT LOUD with the Little People conversation!! Thanks for the Saturday chuckle, Kelly!
    xo Heidi

  7. What a sweet story. Daddies do fix everything. 🙂

  8. Ha–that’s hilarious! And, while indeed tragic, also true here. I realized the other day that if a picture needs hanging when DH isn’t here, I just think, “oh well; I’ll have to remember to tell him when he gets home.” It’s not that I’m literally incapable of hanging a picture, but I know that if I hang it and it winds up 2 inches too low, it’s staying there, whereas he’ll actually fix it (and probably measure more carefully first so that it doesn’t happen to start with!). Of course, he can’t go to the grocery store without calling me three times, and he can’t tell our kids’ baby pictures apart, so I guess we each have our talents 🙂

  9. Hahahahahahahah!!! That is adorable!

  10. Please, kids just are who they are (I’m slowly trying to realize this, especially in light of the fact that mine HATE the car and I just can’t change that). We bought our daughter all the “boy” toys and she never touched them. Then our son cae along and the trains and cars and dump trucks haven’t stopped:)

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