In case you missed it, this is my stupid bathroom. I took this photo this morning, so THIS IS REAL LIFE, y’all. Ain’t pretty.
In the last post, we settled on the vanity cabinet situation.
We were considering replacing the existing cabinets with a smaller premade vanity like this little preliminary design rendering I made:
(Side note: I kind of love that little preliminary design, with the round mirrors and the circular detail on the cabinets.)
But we decided to keep our current cabinet boxes, retrofit them for drawers in the center and fix up the cabinet doors to be a little more fancy and a little less builder-grade-from-the-90s.
With that decision made, I have another big design decision to make, and I’ve been making little photoshop renderings to try to figure it out. Let’s walk through that thought process, shall we? And then you can tell me what to do.
Just kidding.
But seriously.
The question now is what to do with the area over the vanity. Right now there’s a huge mirror that extends all the way across the wall.
Because we’re only redoing part of this bathroom, I want the part that we fix up to really make a statement and carry the rest of the room. I want this whole wall to be a fancy focal situation that oozes marble and sparkle and everything that makes my little heart flutter.
I think it’d be kinda heart-melty to have a wall of beautiful tile, and a pair of pretty mirrors, but the problem is the sinks. They’re set right next to the wall, so that the center of each sink is only about 15 inches from the wall.
If I do a couple fancy mirrors, in order for each mirror to be centered over the sink, they’ll need to be VERRRY NARROW. Like so:
The mirrors would be just a few inches from the corner of the wall, and there’d be a ginormous sea of emptiness in the center of the wall.
This, by the way, was the benefit of going with a premade vanity that doesn’t take up that whole wall. The sinks would be closer together, away from the corner of the wall, and would allow for bigger mirrors that would take up more space. See that?
But we’re keeping the existing vanity, which means Very Important Decor Dilemma. I have a few ideas for how to fix this problem, but we haven’t settled on which one is best yet.
Option 1: Forget centering the mirrors over the sinks
Because the sinks are so close to the wall, centering the mirror over the faucets means the mirrors have to be very narrow. But what if we just forgot about orienting the mirrors over the sinks? What if we just got some larger mirrors and ignored the placement of the sinks?
Yeah, I feel like that got real weird, real fast. Do not love. Agree?
Option 2: Just go with it
…stop overthinking it and be cool, because maybe it’s just fine that the mirrors hug the wall and leave a wide gap in the center.
Option 3: Sconce!
Maybe it wouldn’t feel so crazy if I did a large sconce in the center, like so?
When I showed that pic to Andy, he was all, “and just WHO is going to tear out the drywall and wire in a sconce in the middle of that wall?” — instead of being like, “Ooh, I love that sconce!” Boy brains are mysterious.
Important programming note: I just found three fabulous sconces for these renderings, but they are Capital-E-Expensive. Not sure if they’d be in the actual budget or not: I’m just dreaming at this stage.
Option 4: Add a center cabinet
We could fill that empty space in the center of the wall with a built-in cabinet, kind of like this:

I played with what that might look like in my little rendering:

What I love about this idea: extra storage!
What I don’t love: it doesn’t leave a ton of room for fancy lighting. The lights would have to be installed on the side walls instead of the back wall, like this:
…which just means more wiring, more messing up the walls, and of course we’d have to actually build that cabinet, so more work overall. My other concern is that adding this cabinet will make it feel more closed-off and less open and airy.
Option 5: Keep the huge mirror
We do use the giant mirror, and we like how it makes the room feel open and bright. Going down to two smaller mirrors would be an adjustment, and this would be the most economical option. My concern is that without the tiled wall or the styling of the mirrors and lighting, the end result of the makeover won’t have any interesting focal areas.
* * *
Which option would you choose?
Maybe keeping the grand mirror and adding mirrors on top might be an option, like this:
or this
keeps the bouncing light & safes a ton of money…
Can’t wait to see what happens next
ooooo i love that second link Jenn(ifer)
heres 2 other lovely pinterest suggestions:
1. little mirrors on the whole wall. they dont have to match.
2. his and hers
Jennifer, this is genius! I really am partial to the huge mirror bouncing so much light and opening up the room. But adding the cool mirrors on top brings it up to date and makes it interestingly beautiful
found another great example:
Do the idea like the Decoist but with your huge mirror instead of the center cabinet. So, add moulding to the wall above and to the sides, and don’t change where your fixtures are. (Instead of building a cabinet, you just add moulding.)
Sorry the side moulding I saw was in the last pic. So add that awesome framing in there, too
I was about to say the exact same thing as ann a: keep your existing huge mirror and add an interesting moulding that will bring the whole thing together. It can make a statement AND it will be less expensive 😀
I agree. I just went through the same dilemma. I ended up with the large mirror frames and love it. Needed the big mirror to reflect more light.
I kind of like the built in idea, with a glass front door so it doesn’t feel as divided/closed off. but the sconce in the middle idea is really nice too! 🙂
You could frame out the mirror you have which would add a lot of interest and detail, and then above it, you could get some new cool lighting. The lighting could either be on the wall itself kind of like you have now, or you could hang pendants than hang down over the mirror, like in the picture with the two circle mirrors.
Option 3 must have been awful. heh. Anyway, I vote option 2. You need to open up the wall to put up backer for the tile anyway, right? So what’s a little wiring while you are in there. Option 1 is … not good.
We have a similar vanity setup and have been looking for ways to make it work for now until I get to tear it out! What about pretty mirrors over large mirror, like this? There are also some nice ways folks have trimmed out their large mirrors. and Good luck! Can’t wait to see how you tackle it.
I like this idea as well. If you go with storage in the middle consider a cabinet turned sideways (toward sink) with a pull out tray…usually for small appliances in a kitchen…but use this for your daily make-up routine and then it can be pushed back in and out of sight when not in use.
Ooh that’d be fancy!
I like option 4.1! Do storage in the middle, but make it open shelves instead of cabinetry. Open shelves on a wall of tile (like YHL’s last kitchen) would be sweeeeet!
Option 1 would drive me absolutely insane in a matter of minutes; I was twitching just looking at the renderings.
Ultimately, I like Option 2 the best. Less mirror to Windex! It also looks kind of boutiquey and spa like. And if you can’t talk Andy into doing any wiring, you could hang a big piece of artwork between the mirrors.
That said, since this is only Phase 1 of your plan, I think I would go with Option 5 right now. Like Ann A said, put a frame around the mirror. Then you could go fancyish with the areas that are already wired for lights and not have to bother with re-wiring anything yet. Oh, and maybe do a shimmery stencil on the wall (a la your laundry room) to give it the oomph it would have gotten from tile? It seems like that would give you a lot of bang for not much work/buck, and leave you with options further down the road when you get to Phase 2. You don’t have to worry about tile on the wall being discontinued, or whatnot.
I assume the next post will be about fixtures? Because those faucets are…interesting… 🙂
Totally the light in the middle…although will that give off enough light to see properly at each mirror?
I love your photoshopped renderings of the square mirrors (option 1); what about doing three mirrors? Center the third over your newly crafted vanity-area drawers? Maybe that’s still way too much mirror but it could look nice!
PS, I found your blog about a month ago and really enjoy reading it! Thanks for sharing!
Ooooh! I like the three mirror idea! Or maybe open shelving in the center rather than a cabinet would be easier but still give bonus storage and display opportunity.
Hey,I’m a new follower! Love your blog!
I, too, like the 3 mirror idea!
Found something like this –×1595-bathroom-vanity-mirrors-models-and-buying-tips-cabinets-and-vanities/images/full-size-8616/
Though the vanity in this link is way different than yours, I’m sure you will think of something cool to match your decor!!!
Even putting a frame over your existing mirror to make it into 3 mirrors could work!
you know something like this-
I love those suggestions! Thanks, Prachi!
i was going to suggest a middle mirror too, then you could have lights in between. if that’s too much reflection, then maybe hang a picture or some other type of wall art there. other choice is the cabinet in the middle. if the mirrors are not centered over the sinks, the earth will stop spinning properly on its axis. 😉
Totally agree. I could feel the earth slowing down just from making that one photoshop rendering!
Yes!! I was totally thinking a third mirror in the middle or a large piece of art so you could still do some tile on the wall.
Faced with a similar gigantic mirror in our bathroom I wound up framing it and making it look like it had moved on from the 80s (when giant mirrors were no doubt, all the rage). You can apply painted molding directly to the mirror with Liquid Nails for Mirrors (yes, there is such a thing) and skip a whole bunch of sheetrock repair and repainting. And for fancy, you can hang some knockout mirrors OVER the giant mirror or just some really cool empty frames. Just make sure you paint undersides of anything going on a mirror because it will get reflected …
Take if from a woman who functions (somehow) in a bathroom the size of a postage stamp. Seriously. Go for the storage.
Option 2 – just get over it
I think cabinets (or open shelving – good idea whoever had it before me!) in the middle would be great if you don’t make them super deep. Also, what about just putting a third mirror in the middle? Three identical mirrors across that wall might look great and give you more of that light-bouncing awesomeness without being so builder-grade.
so i am pretty sure there is no option 3?
i say option 2 with the sconce in the middle! i have two gorgeous glossy black narrow mirrors that are perfect for this space. gorgeous shape and everything….
I would put open shelves between the mirrors centered over the sinks. Open shelving would give you storage, be pretty and not have that empty feeling on the wall.
I had a gi-normous vanity like that in my previous house, complete with the 80s oak finish (clearly made for the Dwarves from The Hobbit, not giant humans like my husband and me), faux marble countertop, chrom-y fixtures (with the lovely “diamond cut” acrylic handles) and the matching gi-normous mirror. I really couldn’t afford a full makeover, or even a replacement of the vanity, because the low counter height would’ve dictated removing the mirror (which I was determined NOT to do, since–my luck being what it is–it would surely rip the paper off the underlying sheetrock, exponentially complicating my little bathroom “facelift”).
So, I painted the cabinets a java color with gel stain, changed the awful brass-y drawer pulls (a different color of awfulness that didn’t even match the awful chrom-y sink fixtures!) and faucets to ORB, painted the light fixtures (which the previous owner had already updated with a rustic/rusty colored fixture) ORB, and trimmed out the mirror with MDF moulding, also spray painted with ORB (to make it more metallic as frames frequently are, and not to be matchy-matchy with the cabinets).
All of that to say that the frame on the mirror made a HUGE difference. HUGE. We put that house up for sale shortly after that, and I truly believe that the partial bathroom was a large part of the reason that we had 4 offers and a contract within 4 days.
Since then, I’ve seen other mirror updates that simplify the process by removing the need for mitered cuts by using a corner block. If I had it to do over again, I’d definitely do that. If you do frame out the mirror, don’t forget to paint the back, since it will be reflected.
I totally wanted a center storage unit in our master bathroom and we just didn’t have the room. :/ If you need the storage I say go for it. But I think a chunky frame of molding around your current mirror could be super cool, and economical, too.
What about keeping the big mirror and adding the center shelving/cabinet over it…like this Or adding 2 smaller mirrors over the existing big mirror…like this
Just go with it! I love the gorgeous sconce in the center. Although the cabinet provides more storage in the center, I think it looks too crowded.
I love the idea of storage in the center of the two, but I feel like your heart wants fancy lighting in the middle of two mirrors. BECAUSE, DUH. My heart wants that, too. Tell Andy I’ll send him a Popsicle in the mail if he re-wires for the new fancy light.
Frame out the mirror with a fancy tile! I did it in my bathroom with liquid nails & it was a super easy upgrade & WAY cheaper than buying a new mirror (especially in that size!) they make the accent tile in sheets so you just cut it however wide you want it…
OK, I have to pipe in. I was thinking you could frame the mirror, too, but I was thinking you could trim it down a bit before you framed it and then you can get some wicked awesome heart-flutter tile to put on the wall behind it. (And maybe you could save some money by not doing the entire wall? I’ve never tiled so beats me if that’s a big no-no or not.) I framed a giant builder grade mirror in my house and I do have some thoughts on that but the most pertinent ones are: we didn’t trim the mirror down (couldn’t find a place) and used a wide casing and now the thing is larger-than-life and a bit ridiculous. Good luck!
I would keep/repurpose the existing mirror… options include:
(1) add moulding to frame it into three individual mirrors
(2) if it can be removed without breaking it – have it cut down to three mirrors and keep two for over the vanity and a third for somewhere else, add moulding to the two individual mirrors.
(3) if you go with #2 then you could also add open shelving between the two mirrors for that little bit of extra storage.
I prefer the look of an interesting paint technique behind the mirrors rather than an entire wall of tile. Spend the money on fancier fixtures and lighting or shower/flooring upgrades down the line – think heated floors 🙂
Option 2 or 4.
Embrace the gap and add the sconce! I love that choice.
Another option might be to keep the huge mirror but mount two sink-centered round mirrors on top of the larger, full-wall mirror. You’ll still have the gap, but it will be less noticeable due to the wall ‘o mirror.
Like this, but two of course!
I vote keep the mirror! Trim it out with some nice chunky molding. You could still add a cabinet in the middle it you needed extra storage.
Hey, I just read your bathroom mirror issue and had an idea. If you type in ‘makeover bathroom mirror’ into Pinterest, some really great ideas pop up. One that I thought might work for you is this one:
Now, I realize the natural wood look might not be your thing as I know you’re looking for ‘a fancy focal situation that oozes marble and sparkle and everything that makes (your) little heart flutter’ but I’m sure with your decorating madness, I mean genius, that you can see the narrow shelves in the center could easily be done in any style. The beauty of these shelves is that it’s really just a narrow box with a few shelves, read: easy to home build. And since they are narrow, you get some extra storage (extra face or hand towels rolled up, mundane bathroom stuff in cute containers, ya’ know what I mean) BUT you don’t lose the openness of the vanity area because they are so narrow.
This particular example also has non-centered mirrors, but you don’t focus on it, because the center storage kind of camouflages it. There is also storage down below, possible built in after-the-fact, with shelves and baskets. And the mirror situation is easy too- either leave the mirror as is and simply trim down the back of the shelf box so it sits flush and then trim it out, or take the mirror in and get it cut into the two pieces you’d need and then trim it out. Since it’s a way lower cost option then buying two new gorgeous and probably expensive mirrors, you could buy some really beautiful trim to personalize it, making your heart flutter to extreme heights.
Anyways, it was just a thought for you to consider. And like I said, though the style of the bathroom isn’t quite what you’re going for, I’m sure you can glamour it up to suit your marble and glitter dream bathroom.
Thanks for all the hints, tricks, and laughs along the way.
Maybe I am over simplifying it, but what if you added another slim mirror (or two) in the middle. I love the slender mirrors that you posted and think that framed mirrors all the way across would break up the space and make it look intentional.
We recently did something similar in our JJ bathroom. Kept the existing vanity(wall to wall). Took out the full wall mirror (with medicine cabinet behind it). Then put in a mirror over each sink with individual light fixtures above each. We’re going with either the wall shelves inbetween or a set of shelves. Right now we have artwork filling the space and like that, too. My concern with only 1 sconce between the sinks would be having enough light in the bathroom. We only had a small ceiling fixture, centered in the room, so one fixture in the sink area wouldn’t have worked for us. I like lots of light. :-)))))) I’m a ceramic tile fan, so a wall of tile there would look awesome, I think. Good luck with your decision.
#4 – Hands Down!!! However, you won’t want it to stick out very far. If you’re anything like me you want that counter space too. I like Kylha’s example from Pinterest above. Good luck!
I like the sconce in the middle, but 3 mirrors would be a good, easy solution.
No question I would 100% keep the gigantic mirror making the place look bigger and brighter and leaving it all airy. Though I have no style sense so…
I love option 2 the most, and option 4 right behind it! I’m not much help, am I? 😉
Hands down I think you should have a center cabinet! The space is so large, that it would look well proportioned, and you can never ever have enough storage!!!
Center cabinet for president!
Like the idea of a frame around existing mirror….saves tons of money…. but go to the website Houzz and look for bathroom vanities…..tons of ideas… favorites are….Classic Informality, City moves to Country, Coastal Casual, Farmhouse Reinterpreted, Island Elegance, and for lighting Tallus. Different looks but with your specifications.
Option 3 is great! Option 1 is too off kilter for my OCD brain and Option 4 makes things so bulky. Good luck!!
You have my exact same vanity layout. I have searched and searched through tons of webs and have noted some on my pinterest page under bathrooms. There are some great ideas for us! I’ve picked mine, you might want to take a look.
Good luck!
Whatever you do DON’T KEEP THE BIG MIRROR!!!! Please don’t we have one and I can’t stand it. Light or the extra storage is good, but don’t keep big mirror.
I really like option 4 with the shallow cabinet between two larger framed mirrors. I just didn’t notice an option for lighting in the pictures though. The solution would have to be a light for each mirror.
fancy tile and sconce in the middle. I know you can talk Andy into wiring the space. Cause he’s just awesome like that!!!
Option 4 all the way!! I think when it is built more recessed than the other cabinetry it does not close off anything! I don’t think that you would have to do lighting from the sides, I think the lighting could still go over the mirrors on the back wall. That arrangement looks so much more purposeful.
Love the center cabinet, that extra storage would be fab, but not an imposing one like in the Steinberg design, that seems like it would make everything feel closed off. The Decoist one is perfect. Add 2 small mirrors above the sinks and put some beautiful lighting above them, where you already have the wiring – score for hubby ;0)
I really like this idea with either open shelves or glass front doors.
Yea, not centering those mirrors was making me twitch….lol! I like the center sconce but if the hubby isn’t willing, then you can build shallow shelving in front of the mirror making it slightly taller to be able to afix it to the wall above the mirrow and trim it out w/crown. Then frame the mirrors as if they are two individual ones since you can use the liquid nails for mirror to put the frame right over it. For lighting, it doesn’t need to come out of the shelving, but go ahead and use two separate light fixtures as you have now, but just center them over the mirrors/sinks. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
My husband and I took our big huge mirror and added some fancy deep molding (they plastic stuff that looks like wood) to it as a big frame. We used corner pieces to add to the look. It really helped to update the mirror and it looks great. Now if we could just do that to the old tub and sink!
Hands down the center storage!! You will love having this extra space and the options are unlimited. Think shelves, drawers, doors or a combination of all! I have this set up and would never change it.
How about… keep the large mirror, but add a built-in in front of the mirror like in option 4 (and secure it to the wall above the mirror). THEN, frame out the remaining exposed mirrors on either side so they look like perfectly-sized, custom, built-in mirrors. You’d still have space above the mirrors to add tile, as well. This way, you don’t have to worry about removing the humongous mirror (andlosinganarm), nor do you have to worry about how the mirrors are situated above the sinks. 🙂
I vote that you keep the big mirror, add an open shelving unit in between the sinks (that’s also open in the back so you still see the mirror) and maybe add sconces to either side of that new storage space OR two new fixtures above the mirror on each side instead of just one in the middle. Also- my husband is an electrician and we live in North Georgia.. (You know.. In case you guys don’t have one and are looking..)
We had a long mirror and went to two small mirrors and I say keep the long. We were lucky to have a window with lots of light nearby, but the decline in light was significant at night and on rainy days.
if you choose to get rid of it, contact a pilates or yoga studio. They are always looking for more mirrors and will usually have a relation ship with someone that can remove them with out breaking them and hang them in the studio.
I dislike the one big mirror (screams older era). Not a fan of large off-center mirrors. In this situation, non-symmetrical would freak me out every morning. Therefore, I like the idea of 2 mirrors with the center storage idea, but I’d leave some of it to be open storage with no cabinet doors, so it’s not just one visual chunk. – or The sconce idea is alright, but what about a beautiful DIY chandelier? That makes a bold glam statement. You could have it echo your closet chandy but in a bigger, better, mama-bear-baby-bear kinda way.
I like option 2 with the sconce in the middle (and I’m still cracking up about your boy brain comment, I don’t get how Andy didn’t love that sconce from the start either! What’s with the wiring and logic talk, Andy?). But I also like the idea of leaving the mirror up, putting a shallow cabinet or shelves in between, and then framing out the remaining mirrors to look like they are two different mirrors – we’ve been thinking about this option for our bathroom. Then again, I love what someone mentioned in the comments about the mirrors on mirror and the photo link they put in, that’s gorgeous. Seriously, I’m no help here, but I know whatever you do, it will be fabulous!
While Option 2 looks nice, I think you would miss having a big mirror. You may depend on it more than you realize – it would be hard to get a glimpse of an outfit in the smaller mirrors! I would vote for adding a neat frame/molding around the mirror, and some more jazzed up light fixtures up top!
My brilliant suggestions have already been given ad nauseum (keep mirror, add top built-in; frame/add molding to mirror to help finish/fancify the space). You could also add some pretty wallpaper (the removable kind) to the small space of bare wall at the top and with some pretty finishes on hardware etc it could work swimmingly. Beat of luck!
Option 2 or 3. Please don’t keep the big mirror! 🙂
As I was reading, I was already planning the cabinet and lighting to go up in the center….so that’s where my vote is going I reckon! No doubt whatever you choose will be fabulous I’m sure. Can’t wait to see the finished project.
So many opinions already. I hardly know what to say! I love the idea of two mirrors with a pretty sconce because who doesn’t love sconces? But then I thought of this bathroom from LGN ( and thought maybe you could keep the big mirror AND have two smaller ones layered? Just a thought. Whatever you do, it will be great because you’re awesome.
I love that idea. Thanks so much Lisa!
My vote is for option 3 with the sconce. I think the openness (as opposed to adding another cabinet between) might counteract some of the light you loose from removing the big mirror.
I TOTALLY know what I would do if I were you. In fact, I really wish I had a big wall problem to deal with because I am dying to do this. Do the two skinny mirrors and a wall of tile, BUT in the center carve out a recessed niche and do a waterfall tile effect. Sarah Richardson and Tommy did something like this behind a bathtub on Sarah 101. I loved it and thought somebody whould do it on the vanity wall to hold little items. It won’t take up any counter space and gives you extra storage and a chance at a wow moment. Woo Hoo!
Storage in the middle is my vote, and a glass fronted door, preferably one you cannot see through. You will wonder how you ever managed without it after you start using it. Nothing beats more storage, no matter how badly you want a statement bathroom. I think it would be beautiful.
If you decide to go with the two mirrors over the sink, you could create a focal point between them with art or with a tile design. I’m not sure how to describe what I’m thinking of, but you could play up the marble tile by making IT the focal point with a mosaic. (Not a hideous mosaic, a classy mosaic. Think marble floor in a gorgeous mansion. Except on your bathroom wall.)
Oh wow! That’s a great idea. I have seen some gorgeous tile designs lately that could make that space feel less empty. Thanks!
Whatever you do, I hope you love it as much as your closet. (That sounds weird out of context.) I’ve been using your “how to decorate a room” tutorial to set up my husband’s and mine first apartment. Thanks for all the help!
Congrats on the first apartment! So fun!! And thanks!
When I saw the two mirrors centered on the sinks my first thought was to have a third hang between them. You’ll get the airy feeling you wouldn’t with that bulky storage in the middle. Or, you could also put a piece of art there.
I’m leaning pretty hard toward the idea of three mirrors, if I can find three that I like enough. Thanks!
I like option number two: a wide gap between the two mirrors. I think, it just looks stylish and trendy. Plus, you can always add a nice lamp between them if you ever feel the need to. I hope you’ll have a wise decision regarding this matter. Good luck!
Thanks Catherine!
I personally like the idea of two separate mirrors. I feel like you can do so much with that space. I like open shelving, it creates storage but you can also use it to display decor. Or a pretty sconce like you mentioned, or the closed cabinet. (Although the cabinet dividing the two sinks makes it feel crowded, but you would have all that storage inside).
IF you keep the big mirror, you can still make it nicer by building a frame around it.
I like the option of adding a cabinet between and not making it full counter depth so you will still have some openness between the two sides.
I also like the idea of working with the large mirror you have. You can easily add molding to frame it for an inexpensive upgrade. Have you considered tiling the wall above the mirror & the side walls out to the width of the counters so you have a small section of the wow tile?
I LOVE the idea of adding a cabinet in the middle, and if you do it like your inspiration photos, it wouldn’t take up a ton of counter space. Both are not as deep as the counter so you can still see around it. And couldn’t you just build it in front of the existing mirror? Add molding around the parts that are left on each side to dress them up, and you would never know part of the mirror is still behind the cabinet.
I think we could just build it right in front of the mirror. In my head it seems really simple and easy, but reality is always harder than I expect. 🙂
I vote fancy tile with gorgeous sconce if you can do it! Or… I like the idea of open shelving in the center instead of the sconce. Good luck!
I’m SO pleased to read other comments about framing out your existing large mirror, and/or putting smaller mirrors on top of the existing mirror. The fact that I thought of these ideas is either a miracle or a reflection of the number of hours I spend watching design TV and reading your (hilarious and highly entertaining) blog! I’m also not opposed to a glass front cabinet inbetween. Best of luck, I know you will work it out!
hahaha! Thanks so much, Marci!
I would agree with all those who voted for putting more storage in front of the mirror. Open shelves. And then framing the “two” mirrors on both sides of it. 🙂
Center smaller mirrors and have open shelving in the middle (maybe even glass shelves to keep it visually light). So jealous of your bathroom- our house was built in ’59 so we have a tiny bathroom and walk in shower, with yellow tiling half way up the walls.
Option #1 made my eye twitch. Please don’t do that. 🙂
A random idea: if you’re keeping the base cabinets, but not the counter top, could you scootch the cabinets in toward the middle and add a panel on either side to cover the holes? Then you wouldn’t lose counter space, but the sinks would be more centered. Just a thought.
Otherwise I like the center cabinet idea.
Oh man – that would’ve been perfect! Only problem is the new counter top already has sinks installed… all the way against the wall… dang.
So, I didn’t read all the comments . . . I have three bathrooms in my new house with giant mirrors! What’s the deal? The plan so far is to frame the mirrors and to put up shelving over top of the mirror between the sinks – haven’t decided yet if I would do open shelving or closed, but it would be shallow. The open shelving sounds like it could be fun with the mirror on the back (but cleaning the mirror between the shelves might be annoying…). Good luck!
We have a similar issue in our master bath, and I’m leaning toward placing a third mirror in the center–something like this:
Or this:¤tPage=4
That way you can see the pretty tile behind, but don’t lose the open/bright feel of the space. Whatever you decide, I know it will be lovely!
That’s such a great idea!
Storage in the middle, to echo a fellow poster about the bathroom being tiny; get some of those battery operated stick on lights (there’s some nice ones out there now) or maybe one that sits in the top of the cabinet. Turn it on when you need it. As well, check out IKEA’s kitchen department if METOD has launched in North America, as the cabinets come it different sizes to before – you may find something that suits to give you a frame and shelves without having to build that portion and then their buy one of their stock doors or have Andy make you one while he’s changing the vanity? When I get back to work, I’ll try and get you a picture of one of our more decorative layouts….
I have a similar huge (builders grade) mirror in my tiny bathroom and it is both awesome at making the space seem larger and awkward because it has really limited my storage space. I am loving some of these suggestions that you’ve been getting in the comments of framing the existing mirror and layering storage in front! I may just take that little tidbit for myself!
Hmm… Well, I think not having the mirrors centered over the sinks would look weird. Also, I hate big tall cabinets on top of vanities. They usually look out of balance, and kind-of make me think the vanity is flipping me the bird. ANYWAY… I would be for getting another big mirror, but one that doesn’t take up the entire wall AND has a frame. Another option would be to leave the big mirror in place, and add a frame in front of it. Or possibly two smaller frames above each sink. That could look cool, no? Love the sconce idea also. What would be super shiny and pretty would be to do the frame idea over the big existing mirror, and ALSO add a sconce in the middle of the mirror. Andy can drill holes through glass no problem, right? 😉
Oh yeah, nooo problem at allllll. haha! Now that you said that about the vanity flipping the bird, I don’t know if I’ll be able to unsee it that way. 🙂
Oh, no! So sorry… 🙂
Personally for expense I would go for framing out the mirror with trim. However I love the idea of the middle tall cabinet and maybe instead of weird side lighting two small and cute chandeliers.
Option 4!!! Just go for it!! lol. I really do like that one best, because: STORAGE! but we lack storage here so that’s my preference. Anyways I can’t wait to see what you do.
I like the narrow mirrors with hanging pendant lights or the sconce in the middle, although you could also do some kind of artwork there instead of a sconce. I also like the shelves in the middle but I would keep them shallow and open to keep from overpowering the narrow mirrors and to keep the space feeling open. And if it’s a focal point you want, mirrors over the mirror can be really pretty, best of both worlds.
Some more options:
different mirror shape makes room for lights:
Recessed Lights overhead (possibly soffit)
If it’s an outside wall, you could eventually add a window.
I LOVE the black-framed mirror. I hadn’t thought about that. Love those pics!
So many great choices! If you decide to keep the mirror, I agree with the other comments about creating a frame for the mirror. There are so many different options for creating the frame which you can find on Pinterest or googling DIY mirror or DIY mirror frame.
I would choose a mirror centered over each sink. I would rectangular mirrors proportionate in size (not overly tall) so as to not bring extra attention to their more narrow look. Then, pick a circular fancy mirror for the center of the wall! That will give the same effect of the existing huge span of mirror, give you the functionality of mirrors over your sink, be symmetrical, and add that posh bling at the same time!
Oooh! I love that idea! Off to mock it up now. 🙂
The off-center mirrors work when they’re round/really wide. You could also do THREE really narrow mirrors (one in the middle). Or if you like art, you could hang something pretty in the middle. I always love paintings in the bathroom.
Remodeling the house is a life lesson in Working With What God Gave You, isn’t it?
Word to that, my friend. Word. to. that.
Exactly what anna said. Tower in the middle. Keep the big mirror but install a fabulous frame around it. Lighting can still go on the mirror wall, but every article I’ve read says the most flattering light (and the best for applying makeup) comes from the SIDES!
Hi there! I just came across your blog; love it! My parents have an odd bathroom as well. Their solution is a little awkward, but in a fun, funky sort of way. Instead of 2 mirrors, they have about 9 or so different mirrors of assorted sizes, styles, and frames artfully arranged on the wall above the sinks.
Wow! I’d love to see what that looks like! Sounds super fun and funky!
Why can’t you have three narrow mirrors? One each over the sinks and one in the middle? Because I kind of agree with your hubby about the sconce-they’re a pain to wire yourself/expensive to hire out unless you have an electrician in the family who will work for cookies. Although it would look awesome.
I think the lesson here is that I need an electrician who works for cookies.
He doesn’t always work for cookies. Last time he wanted lasagna. When he finishes his journeyman training, chances are he’ll want actual MONEY THAT FOLDS (boo, hiss).
Keep the giant mirror. Attach (with magic, probably) two beautiful, also magical, frames above each sink, ala Kelle Hampton did in her bathroom. ( Voila! Fancy focal point, minimal work..
We specialize in projects that involve magic. 🙂 (Seriously, how on earth do they do that?)
So, what if you took your existing mirror and basically cut it in half horizontally and centered it on the wall. Then, you would still have a big mirror and you could show off a lot of tile. Kind of like this:
Wow, that’s a cool idea. Thanks Danielle!
I’ve read through some of the other comments and I have to concur with keeping the large mirror (aka option 5), but I love the idea of adding smaller, more boutique-looking mirrors over the larger one. It adds interest and an artsy vibe without minimizing the light-reflecting qualities of the large mirror.
Also, as someone who currently has a double-vanity-with-two-smaller-mirrors-that-hug-the-wall situation going on, I wish we had a single, larger mirror sometimes just to check out outfits/make sure my hair’s right. Therefore, I discourage getting rid of the larger mirror (obviously that’s just my opinion).
Great point. I love the giant mirror for outfit-checking purposes.
I guess I sort of had a vanity like this pictured for you guys;
Stop the presses! The decision has been made for us.
I found your blog a little while ago and love your ability to express your talent and keep things “real” all at once. That in and of itself is one amazing gift;). Thanks for sharing it with me!
So, my bathroom is VERY similar to yours and we have many of the same dilemmas going that you have mentioned in that “sanctuary” of ours. I think this option is pretty interesting so I thought I would pass it along to you. Not exactly what I would do if I lived in a perfect world, but I don’t. I live in a builder grade home in suburbia with my husband and my five kids so… you know. Good luck and i cannot wait to see what you do!
Interesting! Thanks for the link, Natalie!
I think we ACTUALLY have the exact same vanity proportions. I currently have a picture hanging in between our two gigantic mirrors but haven’t even really brainstormed options for the someday-we’ll-update-this-bathroom makeover. I’m not sure I have preference between the center sconce and the center cabinet – really like the look of both. Sounds like the cabinet could perhaps be more beneficial for the health of your marriage though 😉 And just having a sconce in the middle could cast odd and not bright enough light for proper eyebrow plucking and makeup application!
Good point. And I need all the makeup application help I can get. 😉
I like option #2 or adding the lighting in the middle. I think it makes the space look open, clean and bright. Good luck ~ I can’t wait to see hoe it turns out.
Keep the skinny mirrors, but instead of a sconce in the middle, maybe hang a third, interestingly-shaped mirror in the middle. Kind of like this:
That’s beautiful! I love the mismatched center mirror. Thanks!
I think several people have mentioned something similar, but what about framing the giant mirror out like this:
Not to totally confuse things, but I have a great piece of artwork between my two mirrors! We have the same sink close to wall dilemma.
I was nodding the whole way as I was following along your train of thought. I love the sconce in the middle idea with keeping the mirrors centered over the sinks. I am going to face a similar issue in my master and haven’t found ‘the’ mirrors yet, that I want.
Since you are tiling that wall, I don’t think the wiring should be a big deal. 🙂 looks like you would only have to go through one stud at the most.
Also, I love those mirrors you chose. I love the textured gold on them!! It’s one of the options I have been considering as well.
Keep the big mirror, raise it up 2-4 inches so wall shows between the mirror and vanity. Frame the mirror and make it so the lights are low enough so they overhang the mirror and reflect more light and sparkle!
Option #6: Three somewhat narrow mirrors (not too narrow). That way, you can center the mirrors over each sink, and then place a mirror in the middle, and still have plenty of room in between for the beautiful marble. Sorry I didn’t read all the comments, I don’t know if that was already suggested! 🙂
Love that idea! Thanks Katie!
No sconces…But all the marble opportunity!
Oops, I’m bad at linking things 🙂
That’s beautiful!
I vote Option Sconce. Not the easiest but easier than center cabinet design/build (that’s a way to sell it to your husband!) Plus, I’ve read lights in front of you are better than over your head for makeup, etc because it doesn’t create dark shadows on your face.
I’m in the same position as you (only 2 bathrooms, but much smaller, and still in the “thinking about it” stage) so I’m very interested in watching your progress!
You could try keeping the mirrors centered over the sinks and then add another in the middle of the space, maybe slightly larger if the gaps between the side mirrors is too large.
You could also have a smaller set of drawers on top of the vanity above middle drawers, set back slightly so there is space in front of them and then you have extra storage and somewhere to put make-up, creams, etc., while you stand in front of the center mirror, meaning you do not have to balance them on the edges of the sink or reach across when you have make-up or cream in your eyes (or is that just me? :)).
This keeps the symmetry but is quite cost effective, useful and still pretty.
You could try keeping the mirrors centered over the sinks and then add another in the middle of the space, maybe slightly larger if the gaps between the side mirrors is too large.
You could also have a smaller set of drawers on top of the vanity above middle drawers, set back slightly so there is space in front of them and then you have extra storage and somewhere to put make-up, creams, etc., while you stand in front of the center mirror, meaning you do not have to balance them on the edges of the sink or reach across when you have make-up or cream in your eyes (or is that just me? :)).
This keeps the symmetry but is quite cost effective, useful and still pretty.
I have done a quick mockup here as I’m not too good at explaining… 🙂
Plus… (and sorry Andy 🙁 ) It would be great to have lights ABOVE the mirrors, this way they will shine down directly at your face and also bounce off the mirrors to give you the perfect light for applying make-up, etc – no shadows!
Wow, thanks for the mockup! The three mirrors look really amazing like that.
love the bump up in the middle cabinets and the shorter mirror lined up at the top. Looks awesome. Also get to see that amazing marble tile this way! I suppose the only problem with that is you end up having to build the cabinet…although if drawers are being added anyway…maybe not such a big deal? Wonder if you can cut the existing top into thirds?
I’d go with the light in the middle – or what about a 3rd mirror?
I really like the idea of the centered sconce but I totally get not wanting to rewire things. We have a centered cabinet in our bathroom and the added storage is a life saver. We have wall mount sconces over the mirror as well as can lights. I wonder if rewiring might be a necessary evil to get the bathroom to where its beautiful and functional. Nobody likes a dim bathroom!
I think it is going to be a necessary evil. I think I can get Andy on board. 😉
Someone may have already said this, but what about just putting in a third mirror in the center? It will be prettier than the builder-grade but still reflect lots of light!
I mean, what Denise (four comments above) said 🙂 I love that!
What about doing 3 mirrors? Odd numbers are visually more interesting than pairs. You would still have bouncing light and airiness without having one big wall-‘o-mirrors. You could still see the marble tiling around them. No new wiring would be needed for lighting. You would still have extra mirror space. It would still be a change and would make a statement, etc., etc., etc. I’m only seeing positives here. 🙂
haha! I love the three mirror idea!
Just saw that several others also suggested the 3rd mirror. Great minds think alike. 😉
How about adding a third mirror in the middle space? That would keep it open and bright. You may find it cheaper to buy pieces of mirror glass cut to size and have them framed at a frame shop. Trying to find ready made mirrors for specific, odd dimensions is a nightmare.
I like the tiled wall with the sconce in the center best. The giant mirror is functional for throwing light around but if you had glossy tile and a lighter paint color I think those would carry the light around just as well as the mirror and be way more visually interesting. Plus, if you keep the cabinets and the mirror is it really going to feel like a new space?
Very excited to see what you do, as always!
Frame out the ginormous mirror to make it look more fancy-shmancy!
Just do a large fancy mirror that is a sideways rectangle across the vanity. Then you get the benefit of the whole mirror and it still looks fancy.
Otherwise the center cabinet…
I vote for layering framed mirrors over the existing mirror. I’ve always thought that look is oo-la-glam.
stick a cabinet in there, you will love the extra storage! Or just leave the empty space and fill it with a fun light!
My favorite is centered mirrors (two) with a sconce in between (sorry Andy). The wall is already wired for electricity, right? (see: existing sconce) It would just be a matter of creating a new hole? Andy can do it. He’s done harder things. Or what about a chandelier hanging from the ceiling that comes right in between? It would probably be in the way, but side light is way more flattering.
I love storage, I do, but with the addition of the new drawers between the sinks, do you need even more? Also, I think the big storage cabinet creates the sense of two “rooms.” Didn’t you want this room to be light and airy? Did I imagine that? Perhaps I am the one who is light and airy…
So funny! Love the comment about boy brains! I’m am a master at over-complicating too and my husband is about to kill me! ;P
I would choose option 4 if you really want to drastically change the space… and it adds even more storage while keeping things symmetrical! Love it!
How about a center cabinet in between with mirrored doors? Similar to this one:
My head is spinning – I’ve had to re-look at the first photo over and over. Torn between options 2 & 3. You do need light – just decide if you need light over the mirror or next to it. I’d personally go with lighting over the mirror due to make-up application for morning that are done in the dark aka fall, winter and spring months. Looking forward to see what you decide. Putting in extra storage, while nice makes the space feel more cramped. And I personally hate the builder-grade giant mirrors. I can’t wait for the day when I can get rid of mine! Good luck!
I am so jealous of the space you have! It is going to be amazing…I’m a sconce in the bathroom kind-o-girl, so I’m leaning that way on this one! xoxo
I didn’t read all the previous comments so it’s possible someone’s already said these. It looks like you are planning on tiling the back wall with the two mirror option. So, if Andy rips into the drywall to put in a new fixture box, he can get away with a super unfussy crappy drywall patch because it’s going to get covered by tile, so that’s a non issue to me. There are tricks to fishing and putting in new boxes with minimal invasiveness anyway. You could also put floating shelves that go only to the top of the mirrors also. This fills in the space between, adds storage, but still leaves lots of room for light fixtures. If you decided to keep the big mirror, you could add shelves that go to the ceiling and have sides and shelves with the mirror for the back.
So, I’d go with option 2. You can put stuff (a lamp, even, if you need/want the lighting but not the wiring) in the open space on the counter.
Or heck! Throw a picture up on the wall there. It’s only a ‘gap’ if you leave it that way.
If you can’t find a set of mirrors that work in your space, then leave the big one, and opt for your focal point to be somewhere else later…when you finish the remodel. I mean, if anyone can make a it work, you can.
Funny, I was just contemplating this very thing today. We have a similar vanity setup in our bathroom and I was thinking about getting rid of the giant mirror and replacing it with two pretty ones, but that leaves me with the giant gap between the mirrors too. I love the sconce idea! Although additional storage would be nice too. Tough decision!
I’m kind of in love with post and everyone’s awesome ideas. I’m leaning in the camp of center cabinet but super shallow (like 9 inches), and with a mirrored door, and a pretty decorative overlay, something like this:
They sell them (and you can custom order sizes) here: I’m obsessed.
I think the mirrored door would keep the space from feeling divided, and the overlay would add the fancy. Also I would do a full-wall mirror all the way to the ceiling (you have wonderfully high ceilings!) again to unify the mirrored wall, and then add trim to give it all a built-in look, like some of your reference pics.
Maybe instead of doing wall sconces you do a chandelier on each side. It will reflect nicely in the tall mirrors and add some more fancy.
Keep the big mirror, but raise it higher, stopping it right below the lights….or possibly re-wire the existing lights higher too, or if you’re really clever, cut the mirror and have the lights come through the mirror. Then you can add tile to the space under the mirror and maybe even on the side walls too. The big mirror will work magic on a little bit of tile under it and on the side walls.
We have the same situation going on here….giant vanity with sinks way up against the edge. Apparently, the people who designed bathrooms in the 80’s and 90’s couldn’t even CONCEIVE of a future in which people might not want to have giant frameless mirrors in every bathroom. Sigh. I’m a fan of option 3….I’ve always felt the built in cabinets on top of the vanity were….weird somehow. I can’t tell you what we’re doing in our bathroom, because it’s a SURPRISE. Actually, I got a little panicky reading this post, because I was worried it would end with you deciding to do the same thing we’re going to do, and everyone would think I was a big old copycat.
I vote storage, or open shelving like someone mentioned. I’m sure whatever you do will be beautiful!
my vote is for option 4. I don’t think it’ll feel too enclosed as long as you keep the depth of the center cabinet pretty shallow…and how bout some pretty pendants to solve your lighting dilemma?
What about centering the two mirrors over the sink, but adding a third identical mirror in the center? Like this:
Or you could frame out your existing mirror like this:
Mirror the entire wall and then add 2 fancier mirrors on top and center with the sinks (they can also double as medicine cabinets). You can then hang sconces right over the mirrored wall. Or mirror the entire wall and hang 1 fancier mirror on top (hang it horizontal), with a sconce on each side of the mirrored wall. It sounds like overkill but I’ve seen it look amazing before.
Wow! My head is spinning from all the comments. You must have vertigo reading them. lol 😉 Well, it looks like I may have to start our own demo in our master bathroom. Our vanity set up is similar to yours, but money is tight, so I am not sure what I will do. I look forward to seeing what you decide on. Maybe I will get inspired. I am just not in the mood for my bathroom project. Perhaps I will just watch what you do and pretend mine is done. 😉
Mirrors are the struggle. I was back and forth because I didn’t really think about the mirrors when I had the cabinet built. Fail. We just went with 1×2’s with the 2 side sticking out from the wall and a giant mirror. I mean what’s a girl to do. I’m digging your sconce option and the tall cabinet idea. Another bonus of the tall cabinet is Andy can’t see your mess while he brushes his teeth assuming you have a mess which never mind you probably don’t. You’re flawless especially when spitting into the sink. (Comment just turned creepy.)
Me? I would forget the cabinet idea because you’re right, as much as I initially liked that idea it does look crowded and it would be a ton of extra work. The two tall narrow mirrors work well with the sink and vanity setup but the large gap of empty wall space in between BOTHERS ME. It needs something. Artwork? That’s the one thing that didn’t come up in your post.
But please, for the love of everything that is good and holy, get rid of the wall-to-wall mirror. Please. I beg of you.
OHHH. Option 4, all the way! You had me at “extra storage.” I mean, I literally went… meh, meh, meh… OHHH! Yes, out loud. I say GO FOR IT! All annoying like, in all caps like that.
What about raising your big mirror a bit (so there’s a gap between your vanity and the mirror, making it look less builder basic), adding a nice gold/brass frame around the mirror and insetting three sconces ON the mirror (one to the left, a double sconce in the middle, and one to the right). By saving money on the mirror, it might make the cost of wiring those sconces more manageable.And by putting the sconces on TOP of the mirror, you’d be, like, doubling your money. Twice the pretty sconce and twice the brightness! Example:
You could do ceiling mounted light fixtures in front of the mirror, too. Example:
Yep, totally agree that it’s just weird {and not in a good way} to NOT center the mirrors. I think it’s 100% acceptable and kind of chic to have a large open space between the mirrors if you are going to tile it. I also dig the idea of a center cabinet, particularly if you could use the additional storage. But, if you go with a center “upper” cabinet, I think I would stick with round or oval mirrors to break up the rectangles. I’m sure whatever you do will be AH MAZING as always!
I would do the storage unit up the middle. You can never have enough storage!!
2 small mirrors and for the center go with the sconce or if budget doesn’t allow, add a nice piece of artwork.
OMG, I just stumbled across your blog and am so excited to see this post. We are going through a completely DIY bathroom remodel and have one of those large (3’ x 6’) mirrors over our vanity. On one hand I believe it’s slightly dated to have a large unadorned (no room around ours either to add a frame) mirror, but on the other hand I love the idea of having that much reflection to visually open the tiny room and make it easier for multiple people to get ready together. I’m super curious to see what you guys come up with and sorry I don’t have any other ideas. Since our bathroom is completely gutted and it’s a project taking many many months, I have a feeling you will finish before me or I would share our outcome. Best of luck!
I saw option 4 and immediately thought – yup that’s it, but then I saw the first comment about putting mirrors on top of the mirror and I loved that too!
Definitely NOT off centering the mirrors, my eyes bled a little when I saw that! I like the idea of the open space in the middle, either for something tall and decorative on the counter or a sconce in the middle if you can convince Andy. I just know I would stand in the middle of my mirror everyday and then it would make me itch that I was off-center to the sink!
It’s like you read my mind! I have the same situation going on in my horrible master bathroom! But we can’t keep our vanity since it’s only 29″ tall and we are both over 6′ tall. I can say this…the previous owner did switch to two mirrors over the sinks and the gap in the center is not a big deal. We just have white painted walls and it works well…it would be even nicer with that wall tile. Good Luck!
I have been reading your blog for a while now, but on this one…boy did I need to comment! You have the EXACT same bathroom as me! We bought a fixer upper (or as we affectionately refer to it…the Money Pit) in California almost 3 years ago. We have gone from room-to-room, but the master bath, ugg. It is the same wall-long vanity with a massive mirror to match (our bathroom has a sunk-in shower…oh yeah, yep, um chica bow wow. I have decided to make friends with the mirror and use it to my advantage; I will take out the center of the cabinets (1950’s pull out hamper…meow) I will, in its place put a prissy make-up station and use a clever molding on the mirror to trick the brain into thinking I just purchased a very expensive, tri fecta of mirror love (it will look like three seperate mirrors). I can’t wait to see what you do with yours.
I would go with a sconce in the middle to keep the airy, open feel or stick with the big mirror and class it up with moulding:
Small bathrooms are a pain. I should really share the bathroom in our home that is the size of a closet and is covered in blue plastic swirly tiles holding on by the tension of the tiles around it. It’s pitiful.
Can’t wait to see what you decide!
Wow! So many comments. This has probably already been suggested, but what about a decal in the center, e.g:, or
Personally, I’d want to use some kind of awesome and inspiring picture instead of words or a phrase, but maybe that’s just me.
Also, the work you’re doing at Safe House is amazing. I’m excited to see the end result!
Keep the large mirror but frame it… Use mouldings, paint them whatever color you want and glue them,up there!
Hi! I might be kind of late to the party. We just built a house a year and a half ago and our master bath has sinks that hug the wall. I did that on purpose though because of how I wanted my vanity base designed. In order to cut costs, I got tall narrow mirrors from IKEA that were $10 or $15 each thinking I would replace them later. But I actually like them. It gives a bit of a modern vibe that I like with the more rustic look of the cabinets. For lighting, we hung a pendant on either side and I love how it lights the place up. Now the place is still a work in progress and we do have a void between the mirrors. I have a few ideas though for artwork that I would like to put there. I also want to eventually frame out the mirrors to add a little more heft to them. But all in all, when you consider how much we saved on mirrors, I love it.
I didn’t read all the comments but i saw that lot of your readers already told you to go with mouldings.
I agree. But can’t you add moulding on the mirror too ? It seems to me that your cabinet and the central part are more or less equals (80cm each ?) maybe that way you could split the mirror in three.
(not sure about my english, not my native language…sorry)
I would leave the big mirror, build a narrow and slim cabinet in the middle and then top it with molding and carry the molding out to frame either side of the mirror and hide wiring for new lights above each sink.
I would choose the last one. Keep the mirror, frame it up beautifully with lovely moulding. Change your lighting for something sparkling anders crystal, and add large crystal or glass knobs to the vanity to match. I love your blog by the way and you have had some smashing ideas! I love your house! Good luck with it all!
Frankly, I’ve had the smaller mirrors all my life and the last house I lived in for 5 years had the gigantic mirror on both walls of a corner. I was in heaven! I loved that so much and now we had to move again and I got a house of the same age (about 10 years old) and it has the exact same layout you are facing. Two mirrors, lights centered over them and two cabinets with drawers in the middle. I would choose the big mirror any day! Pooh on the trends! They are here today, gone tomorrow and then give them a few years and after everyone trashes them, voila, they are back! It’s just a gimmick to get people to spend more money to replace the things they actually are happy with, but think they have to do what every one else does. Hogwash! Live with what you like and make minor changes like re-painting to another color. The tall cabinet could be built in the centeragainst the mirror and add some trim boards to the edges of the mirror if you feel like you have to shrink the mirror size. That’s my opinionated view. 😉
I wanna share my vanity! It’s the same dilemma. I’m actually considering tearing it all out and putting a soaker tub and pedestal sink. 😉
Love this idea, genius stuff!I can imagine it brings in so much more light into a room!
I would choose the last one. & maybe keep the mirror, frame it up beautifully with lovely moulding
All I can say is, WOW! Because I’m in the EXACT same dilemma with my girls’ bathroom in our new construction. Exact. The men involved don’t see what the big deal is. What did you end up doing?
Love this idea!
Love this idea…simply genius