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Where I’ve Been and Unfinished Projects

You guys are the best, for real. Thanks for the sweet notes about my birthday this weekend! I got my Georgia football win, hijacked some chocolate candy sneakily obtained by sending out my small child in an irresistible puppy costume…

Give him chocolate! You can’t say no!

AND I got an unexpected gift: that same child used the potty for the first time! Huge celebrations!

(I realize at this point anyone without a toddler is rolling their eyes, or clicking away, or thinking that I should quickly change the subject if I’d like to keep their attention. I understand and apologize.)

But SINCE WHEN is poop an unacceptable conversation topic, guys? (Right. Since forever. Sorry.)

This post has a point.

I want to thank you guys for sticking around despite the decline in posts recently. I have a lot of unfinished projects in the works…

like some DIY frames we’re building for the living room…
and a wall of mirrors I’m planning for the hallway…
and some curtains I’ve started sewing (!!) for the master bedroom…
and the unborn baby I’m growing…

Wait, WHAT?!

Yes!! Andy and I are very excited to announce that Baby #2 is on the way!

I’m about 16 weeks along and finally recovering from a first trimester that knocked me flat on my butt and rendered me completely useless… at blogging. At home projects. At laundry. At changing out of my pajamas in to “real clothes.” At doing much of anything.

So that’s why sometime around 16 weeks ago, the number of posts suddenly declined. It is a LOT of work to grow a human, guys!

But I’m very excited and feeling very blessed and PROMISING that this blog will not become baby-centric and the potty-training talk will not exceed what you’ve read here today. (Except in a few weeks when I find out the gender. I will definitely be telling you about that.)

Thanks for sticking it out with me! Here’s to a new month, the start of the holidays – and thank the LORD – renewed second-trimester energy.

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  1. Congrats! Funny, my blog posting dropped off just about the same number of weeks ago for the same reason!

    Here’s to a happy and healthy pregnancy for you!


  2. I just saw your tweet about beanie babies…I haven’t quite gotten over the giggles yet. 🙂
    So happy to hear about the potty success (I was a nanny for almost 10 yrs…this is big!) and baby #2. So wonderful!!! Congrats!

  3. Oh how exciting! Congrats and hugs to you, I hated the first trimester of pregnancy and every time I vowed it would be my last pregnancy. HA! Potty training is great, we just had success the past two weeks and are done with diapers! I love talking potty talk so you can do it anytime on here, I’ll read and respond, I promise. 😉

  4. 1. Ahhh, Congrats!! I think everyone in blogland is “coming out” with their pregnancies today.
    2. Too much cuteness in that Halloween costume!!

  5. I was missing you in blogland and wondering if you had something in the works but never expected this. A huge congratulations my friend!!! Hope you’re feeling a bit better. First trimester sucks!

  6. Congratulations! That is so exciting! My blog posts have declined this past month too, but that was purely out of laziness not the miracle of growing another person inside of your body. Hope the rest of it is a breeze for you!

  7. How exciting!!!! Congratulations!!
    And what an adorable costume. I love it!

  8. STILL so excited for you! Can’t wait to “meet” him or her! 🙂 And just because it’s really perplexing me–what are the yellow things on the cartoon baby’s head? Horns? Stickers? A devolved scalp version of the umbilical cord? I hope yours doesn’t come out with those. 😉

    Hope your pregnancy from here on is happy and healthy! 🙂

    • Um, how did I not notice those yellow things on the baby’s head?! Clearly I’m not cut out to have a baby. I can only assume they are scalp-al umbilical cords, or odd hair-patches. Please God let my baby not look like that!

  9. Congratulations, Kelly! This is exciting news! I am so happy for you. Can’t wait to find out the gender and see you decorate a nursery! 🙂

    Yay, your son is using the potty. It’s a big thing for any moms, that’s for sure. Love your adorable son in the adorable costume, both are too cute for words!

    Wishing you a smooth pregnancy, Kelly! And thanks for your lovely comment on my blog earlier. You are so sweet!

    P/S: I am hosting a fabulous giveaway. So come by and enter for a chance to win a stylish hanging kit if you like. 🙂


  10. YAYY! 🙂 congratulations friend!

  11. CONGRATS! That’s so exciting!!

  12. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! Ugh I don’t miss the first tri at all… here’s to a great and productive second tri!!!! 😀 😀 xoxo

  13. Congratulations, Kelly!!!! How exciting! Can’t wait to keep up with you during this exciting time!

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