Starts and Stops on the Journey to a DIY HomeSubscribe Now

Adventures in Wall Stenciling

How to stencil: large peacock stencil in teal paint

AH. You GUYS. Thank you so much for all the sweet words about our laundry room makeover. I’m basically melting into a puddle of warm fuzzies and gratefulness. Let’s talk stencil wall! When it comes to projects that require precision and accuracy, I have the patience and attention span of a gnat. A gnat who […]

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I’m trying to act cool and chill about the fact that I’m FINALLY posting my six-months-in-the-making over-promised laundry room reveal, but inside, whole parts of my brain are in various stages of explosion. Because look what happened to my laundry room! Here’s how it looked when we moved in: That clothesline border helpfully clarified the […]

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DIY Herringbone Art

Long have I admired this art piece I found on pinterest. Long have I wanted it in my home. But small is my budget, and large is the size of the canvas I would want. So, of course, I just had to make it my own little self. Here’s what you’d need to make your […]

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Our Home Goals for 2013

In my recent post about how we fared on last year’s home goals, I proved that I am not the “goal ninja” I had once hoped, completing all my 2012 house goals quickly and effortlessly, then stabbing them in the kneecaps until they begged for mercy! In fact, I may be the opposite of a […]

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Do I look fat in watercolor?

Hey hey! Check out my pretty new site, friends! If you’re checking in via RSS or email, you are officially invited to hop on over and check out the new look. (Quick warning: There are still some kinks! It might take a couple days to work ’em all out.) Have you ever left the house […]

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The Pros Weigh In: Best Organizing Tips

Something about coming out on the other side of the holidays makes me want to purge and organize every year. Do you feel the same way? I thought for this month’s edition of “the Pros Weigh in” – in which we get top tips from a handful of home bloggers – I’d collect some amazingly […]

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Rating Last Year’s Home Goals: in which I fail fantastically

Happy new year! Aren’t we all feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning? YES?!! I hope 2013 has been the best year of your life so far. 🙂 Last year I shared some of our house goals for 2012. I tried to be conservative, laying out simple, easy goals so I could set myself up to […]

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{December Sponsors}

Is it really the end of 2012?! Can you even believe it? I still think 2012 sounds like some kind of space-agey futuristic date, not like an actual year in which we live. Ahhh old age. It suits me. Let’s see what the sponsors have been up to! Ready for a little shoppin’? Warehouse Fabrics […]

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Reader Projects

Some of my favorite things in the world include: 1. Those sweet sounds my baby girl makes on the baby monitor when she first wakes up. 2. That feeling when you’re in a large group and you all laugh at something together, but then the conversation moves on to something else but the joke is […]

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Blog is going crazy! Please disregard. So sorry.

My blog just took on a life of its own and randomly decided to publish some three-year-old posts that have been in draft and were not intended to be published. I’m not pregnant with Weston again. We didn’t just go on a cruise. I’m not trying to make a job decision. SO SORRY. This post […]

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Top Posts of 2012

Welcome back, buddies! Did we all survive Christmas day? Did you get some sweet loot? I welcome all your most horrific stories of your family’s holiday misbehavior. Andy and I agreed to buy each other gifts that we could both use, and guess what? We bought each other the exact same thing. A 3D pantograph, […]

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Christmas Eve

…and just as quickly as the Christmas season swooped in, all glittery and smelling of cinnamon sticks and peppermint, we reach this day: Christmas Eve. A season of waiting and hoping, of anticipation, culminates in these next few hours. In these next few moments as we catch up with family and friends. As we mourn […]

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Put Some Ornaments in it: Tips for easy, simple Christmas vignettes

Easy Christmas Decor: Mirrored tray with ornaments

I don’t know why, but this year I just could NOT get it together when it comes to the elaborate Christmas decor. We had our Christmas tree in the living room for THREE WHOLE WEEKS before we put a single ornament on it. This year I wanted to keep the decor super simple and easy. […]

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Progressive Dinner of Recipe Features

Oh good! You’re right on time for our progressive dinner of features from Monday’s recipe link party! Before we get started, two things. 1. Did you remember to download the free heirloom recipe e-book? It’s right here, and by the way? Totally free. 2. Quick funny story about Monday’s post where I shared the chocolate […]

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Make Your Own Kissing Ball with Fresh Greenery for the Holidays

Christmas Kissing Ball Tutorial

I’ve found one of the greatest joys of parenthood is tricking your children. For example: Weston is going through a phase in which he no longer likes to give affection on demand, no matter how urgently I need to kiss those squishy lips. (This is a temporary phase. I’m sure of it.) But we’ve found […]

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