Starts and Stops on the Journey to a DIY HomeSubscribe Now

Quick little bathroom update

It’s Monday morning again. GAH! Sometimes it seems like Mondays come as often as every seven days, you know? Time for a quick bathroom update! After we moved in, we replaced the faucets in the guest bathroom with oil-rubbed bronze, but we never replaced the drain or the — um, other thing, that’s silver in […]

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Living Room Redo: The Plan

There’s a reason why you haven’t met my living room yet. I just haven’t been completely happy with it – so it’s getting a budget-friendly overhaul!  Here’s the plan: can the tan and tone down the cyan! *GROANNNN. CRINGE.* (Sorry. At least I had the self-control not to try to fit “kazakhstan” in that lyrical, […]

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Art Project Inspired By Craft Store Trickery

This is a fact: there is something magical about craft stores. Like, fairy dust magical. I know this because the minute I step inside one, suddenly I believe I’m capable of completing all kinds of art projects I have no business touching, and suddenly I’m buying the necessary supplies to knit a designer dress (yes, […]

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What’s Your Take? — Jacobean Fabric

I know I said I was going to bring you bathroom updates today. You were expecting that. You wrote it in your planner. You planned your day’s activities around it and now you’re going to have to shuffle and replan and try to fit this post into your life. I hope you can. source People […]

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Guest Bathroom: Then and Now

You know what’s not on the internet anywhere? (To my knowledge?) Photos of my guest bathroom. For most people, that’s completely normal. But here I was thinking my guest bathroom had an “internet presence:” a few before-and-after shots and a blog post dedicated to it, at least. But I just realized I never did post […]

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Frame Hanging Hack: How to Get IKEA Ribba Frames to Behave

Dear IKEA (my dearest), We need to talk. Up until now, our relationship has been a beautiful expression of lasting love. A give-and-take: I give you my money, then take home your boxes of furnishings, sprawl out on my living room rug surrounded by wood parts, screwdrivers, hack saws, drafting compasses and whatever these things […]

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Guest Room Progress

Things most Americans have done this summer: 1. Gone swimming. 2. Gotten sunburned. 3. Stayed in my guest room. Yes, it’s a statistical probability that you probably stayed at my house this month. (If so, come back! It’s too quiet now.) In the whole month of July, we were home without guests for three days. […]

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Guest Post – Beans, Brownies, BPA at Budget Blonde

Well hello! I would like to officially invite you to attend Budget Blonde’s blog with me today. I’m there today guest posting about a little money-saving, very healthy food trick. Have you been to Cat’s blog at Budget Blonde? She has great tips about being frugal with style — and even though we only know […]

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What’s Your Take? – The Juju Hat

Have you caught this home decor trend? I keep seeing these African feathered headdresses popping up in home decor magazines, including this latest pic from the most recent issue of Lonny magazine. Here’s another shot from Ashley Hicks: Those giant fuzzballs are Cameroon juju hats from Africa, and they’re starting to go mainstream, having made […]

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DIY Platform Bed: Complete Guide and Finishing Touches

I’m starting to suspect that I might talk too much. BAHAHAHAHA Okay, seriously. I didn’t realize how many posts it would take to do the MOST COMPLETE EVER bed tutorial, but this is the very last post! And look, here’s the after shot! Why hello there, homemade bed. So if you’re completely dying right now, […]

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I Married Crazy.

I married a crazy kid. Can I tell you why? Because this weekend he jumped over a 12-foot bar and built a bed in 20 minutes. Sign of Craziness #1: We went to Michigan to visit Andy’s family last weekend. They live near the beach, where there’s an annual pole vaulting competition right in the […]

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DIY Platform Bed: Upholstering the Headboard

Let’s upholster a headboard, shall we? Maybe try to end up with something like this? (Psst – If you missed the first part of this project, start here.) Let’s talk about headboard upholstery. I told you a little bit about this before, and basically warned you to run for your freakin’ life, save yourself while […]

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DIY Platform Bed: Upholstering the Platform

If you’ve been following my upholstered bed build from lifetimes ago, you know that we: Built a bed Decided to scrap it and start over Talked about how to choose a great upholstery fabric Chose a fabric Shared our supply list and cut a headboard And built a bedframe. Good LORD. That’s a long list-o-bed-info, […]

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It came to me in a dream…

Once upon a time, a meeeeeellion years ago, I told you I was almost done with my DIY upholstered platform bed. That was in March. (*Embarrassed cringe.*) For REALZ this time. It’s now like four seconds away from being done, and I’m STOKED. (If you missed those other posts, you can start here, then follow […]

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Our DIY Playset, Part 2: The Swingset

A-Frame Support

(It’s Andy again!) If you tuned in last week for the first part of our playground tutorial, you probably already have your tower complete, right? Maybe you even closed in the walls, painted them and added indoor plumbing? You’ll be happy to hear the swing portion of the playset is much easier to build than […]

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