Starts and Stops on the Journey to a DIY HomeSubscribe Now

Closet is Complete!

The closet is finished, and it is FAN-cy. Okay, it’s just a closet, but what IS it about storage space that makes me so giddy? Do you get excited about empty shelves waiting to be filled? (Please say yes.) Let me show you where we left off on Monday. We painted the walls and installed […]

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Cleanin’ Out My Closet

I’d like to officially invite you to come enjoy a glass of wine in my closet. Is that weird? I’d invite you for coffee, but I’ve found my cup-of-coffee-a-day habit has made me dependent on caffeine, so I’m trying to cut the habit. Which really means that I’m going through withdrawal, and setting world records […]

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Persuasive Pup and a Converted Closet

It’s Marley’s fault we had to renovate the coat closet. She looks easy-going and low-maintenance, doesn’t she? Like it would never occur to her to make us renovate a closet? Don’t be fooled: she is scheming. Scheming, I tell ya! Look at her, contemplating how to make us start a new project when we already […]

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How to Get Popcorn Ceilings OUT of your LIFE

When you’re in the middle of about six different projects at once and you start to get overwhelmed, I find the best remedy is: Start a New Project. (That may not be the best advice.) So, surprise! We’re doing a closet reno! First up, taking down these beauties: YESSS. Popcorn ceilings in all their early […]

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Stairway to Heaven

I have really smart friends. Smart, artsy, creative. I always say it’s wise to befriend people who have skills and talents you lack. I don’t always say that. But I think it’s true. In college, I had a friend, Mallory, who was an artist. A legit artist. I saw this incredible oversized piece she made, […]

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I Read Ugly Books: A Decorating Hack

In some other life, I will have a beautiful library filled floor-to-ceiling with rich, leatherbound classics, and stacks and stacks of gorgeous, tasteful home decor books. Oh beautiful library, you will be mine someday! Muahaha! Photo from Apartment Therapy In this life, I prefer to ogle the pretty pictures of gorgeous homes in magazines and […]

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House Exterior: Before and. . . in progress. . .

Will someone please tell me what we used to do with our time before we owned a home and had a baby? I still can’t explain why I didn’t use that abundant spare time to, say… learn to sew. Memorize the entire book of Proverbs. Perhaps cure some incurable disease. Last weekend, when the weather […]

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DIY Banner Using Primitive Stone-Age Tools

The Lochness Monster. The Abominable Snowman. UFOs. Personal cutting machines like the Cricut or Silhouette. Some people believe those things exist, but I cannot verify. I’ve heard tales of these “personal cutting machines” – space-agey, Jetson’s-era gadgets which actually cut your designs out for you without the use of primitive stone-age tools like scissors, but […]

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DIY Platform Bed: Almost There and Living in Style

Don’t be jealous, but we are living at the height of luxury around here lately. Check this out: You saw that right: our mattress no longer sits directly on the floor. It is separated from the carpet by nine inches of the most incredible spectacle of human engineering ever seen… on this blog… today. That’s […]

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Fresh Breath, Factoring and Frittatas

Did you know… that the day you graduate college or get married or move into a grown-up house, you do not wake up in the morning with magically-acquired knowledge about how to keep up with housework or cook fancy meals in which the side dishes are done at exactly the same time as the entree? […]

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A Letter to My Son on His First Birthday

Dear Weston, Happy birthday! You are one year old today, and it’s been the most joyful, exhausting, funniest and fullest year of my life. I’m so thankful for you. I’m so glad God chose to give us you, that he picked you just as you are and blessed us with your little life. You are […]

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It’s Valentines Day

Can I add one more post in one day? Happy Valentines Day. This year, I realized that this holiday will never mean the same thing to me again. In elementary school, Valentines was the day you brought enough colorful candy cards for everyone in your class, saving the best one for your little crush. (“Which […]

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DIY Upholstered Bed Supply List, and a Wasted Headboard

You know what’s fun? Lumber. And spreadsheets. And cost breakdowns. Am I right? PARTY TIME. Here’s all the wood you’ll ever need for an upholstered bed (more on that here), and how much we paid: Can I tell you a secret? These prices are after coupon. I’m talking a magic, beautiful piece of paper which […]

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Fabric, Wood, a Plan and Superman

Robert Allen Textured Weave Sand fabric sample

So get this: I *made a decision* on the bed fabric and special-ordered it, with an expected wait of two to four weeks for it to come in. Can we go back and acknowledge the part about me making a decision? That is thanks to you, my friends. Thanks for your input here; I went […]

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Quick tips on choosing fabric

Can I tell you how ridiculous it is that I’m writing this post? This post on how to choose the right fabric for your upholstered bed? Because it is. I might as well write a post called:  “How to Master the Unicycle in Three Simple Steps.” or “Secrets of the Mating Habits of Squirrels.” Because […]

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